Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Getting Caught Up: Fun Raisers

This past Sunday we had another training time but before I get into what happened this Sunday we are going to get you caught up in all that we have already done together as a Mexico Missions Team. 

Feb 14th a day of loooooooove! Valentines Day. We as a Mexico Team put on a Valentines Date Night Fundraiser to help out all those husbands who found themselves in the dog house this past Valentines day, because they forgot to appreciate and love their ladies. We served a meal to the visiting couples, decorated the church basement, set the mood with soft music and made sure everyone was having a lovely evening. We raised $1162 from this night. We were very excited as this was our first event as a team and our first fundraiser. Here are some pictures from the night.
This is the Team. Left to right we have Christine, Shannon, Jacob, Kendra, Blaine, Taya, Noah, Jocelyne, Annelise, John and the two people in the front are Lisa and I (Spencer)
Here is a little view of the ambiance.
The Team waiting in between courses.
Lisa is hard at work. shhhhh! she doesn't know I'm here.

It was a great event. We had a great time working together as a team and serving the couples who where out for a nice meal and a lovely date.

Our next big fundraisers were our Soup and Bun potlucks. We held on at Mcdougal Chapel and one out at Bergen Church. Both were again a great way serve the people within our church and let them decide what our fundraiser was worth to them. Both were by donation only. At the Mcdougal Chapel Soup and Bun we raised $678.05 and at the Bergen Soup and Bun we raised $2010. We have been so grateful for peoples generosity in helping us reach our goal of $16800 to get our team down to Hermosillo to serve. Unfortunately we were so busy serving we forgot to snap pictures of the tasty soups and all the people enjoying them. We had one other fundraiser so far and that was a bottle drive.
Our bottle drive raised $1977.77. We are so blessed to have God providing these funds through generous supporters like you. We are so grateful for these opportunities for us to get used to working as a team, to serve the people of our community and to see how God provides for the plans he lays.

We will be back shortly with another post letting you know what has been happening at our Sunday training events so far.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The First of Many

My name is Spencer Smith and I am the Youth Pastor at McDougal Chapel in Sundre, AB, Canada. We have started this blog to keep you up to date with our missions initiatives both locally in our home town and abroad. Our main focus right now is a Mexico trip coming up in July from the 5th - 17th. 

The purpose of this site it to keep our supporters and those interested in our trip up to date as to our progress in fundraising, training and all things missions trip.

So what exactly are we doing in Mexico this year?

Well I am delighted that you have asked. We are going to Mexico to spread the Gospel of Christ to the children of Hermosillo and area. We plan on accomplishing this through partnering with Arbol de Vida the local church in their Vacation Bible School. A VBS is where we welcome local children from the community and we get to play games, work on crafts and tell bible stories to the children. We will be participating in the VBS every morning from the Monday to Friday. In the afternoons we have two different activities we will be apart of. We get to go play with, serve, and love the children of the Casa Hogar, a children s home where Pedro and Zoila are caring for over 20 children. When we are not at the children's home we will be out in San Pedro (small town just outside of Hermosillo) doing a soccer ministry in the slums. We get to play some Futbol with the children as well as use special color coded soccer balls to tell them about the Gospel.

Those activities will take up most of our time. However we will get to be apart of Arbol De Vida's Soup Kitchen on Saturday, Youth Saturday night and church on Sunday. We are excited to go on this trip and to love the children of Mexico through VBS, Futbol (soccer) and just playing with them, all the while proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.

Stay tuned for Mexico updates. Our next post will be up next week and will give highlights from our fundraising and training so far with some pictures. Also we will feature interviews with each person of the team as time progresses so that we can get to know each team member and what they hope to accomplish on this trip.