Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 5

Again this is a short blog post and they will probably remain this way. Today we again went to the Casa De Hogar. We arrived and it was raining. The youth were pretty bummed because that meant we would not be able to bless them with a water proof house. We had heard from Pedro the day before though how there was a time they had no food, toilet paper and were missing other basic household items. Pedro’s wife Soyla asked him what are we going to do. Pedro responded pray we don’t have any money anyway. So they prayed when they said amen and lifted their heads a car pulled in with everything they needed and gave it to Pedro and Soyla. Before the trip we also read about George Muller. He accounted many of the same things as Pedro that God provides when we ask. I felt the Holy Spirit saying I am read to show you myself gather the youth in the living room and pray. So that’s what we did. We made sure the whole team was there with a couple of the little children dotted throughout our circle and we prayed. Every one of us prayed for the lord to stop the rain so that we would be able to bless Pedro and his family. We said amen having no idea if it was still raining or not or if it was going to stop. I walked straight outside with anticipation, to see what the Holy Spirit had done after we obeyed and asked him to step in. The rain had stopped. It was cloudy still and cool… for Hermosillo that is. We were able to get the whole dormitory part of the house done today and we are going back tomorrow to finish the job. I just think it is amazing what God can and will do for the love of his children.

We also had a lot of fun playing with the children. Fernando and I played on the swings. He would yell rapido and I would push him so high I almost lost him from the swing more than once but he loved it and I was always ready to catch him. Kendra was lead around by Miguel again while holding Barbara. Mario, Enrique and some of the other boys whose names I do not know where up on the roof working alongside us to make sure that in the rain the water doesn’t get in where the concrete slabs of the roof meet. Everyone took a shift on the rood if my memory serves and it was a lot of fun to paint the roof blue. I know Jacob liked it. He said it would be a fun job to paint roofs blue.

The youth have really been bonding with the children that come to VBS. Today when the children where let into Arbol De Vida some ran right towards our youth for hugs and of course our youth obliged. We sang and danced to worship music. We worked on our memory verse. Victor (the Mexican youth pastor) taught about Christs blood and his sacrifice. Jacob helped him with his science experiment that explained the lesson. Unfortunately they decided that it would be best to get rid of it. Blaine has really connected with one youth named Gabriel and they taught each other wrestling moves moving from one station to the next. Our youth are amazing. Be proud of them for how hard they work, how they do not exclude anyone and make it easy for them to fit in.

We then went out for El tortas. The best way to describe them without experiencing it is like a Panini but only with Mexican stuff on taquitos. We had fun hanging out with the Mexican that took us. It was just a blast of a night. We returned had a couple people pray and went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. John 13:35 “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”
