Friday, July 11, 2014

Day Seis

Day Seis
Another morning passed with us out in San Pedro. We took thirty minute shifts on the roof and finished off the most important parts. We could not finish the whole thing, but there is only a small part left for Pedro to finish as the weather permits. We did however get all the problem areas completely sealed from the rain for them. They should have no more rain in the house anymore. It was 43 degrees today as we worked on the roof and at the end of the day we were spent. We would stand in front of their giant fan and let the children sit with us as we cooled down. At other times between roof shifts we would play games in the living room with the children and some Mexican ladies from a children health organization that brought some crafts and games today. It was a very cool partnership and we enjoyed helping each other and working together to bless the children.

The girls also taught the Mexicans a hand clapping rhyming game: stella stella olga. They really enjoyed playing that together. They also taught patty cake to the children. They loved these simple games and the girls were great at teaching them and getting everyone involved. In return the girls were taught a foot game. In this game they counted their age and if it landed on their foot then they had to take their foot out and you tried to be the last person with a foot in the game. Over all it was a great day at the Casa and we were sad to leave. We will get to see the children for just a minute or two tomorrow as we meet there before we head out to soccer ministry. We have been blessed and humbled by the children of the Casa de Hogar
Then we came back to the church and had a SIESTA!!!!!!!!! Well we had lunch first with some sangria’s. don’t worry they are just pop here. Then we had naps and were rejuvenated for VBS

These days up on the Casa de Hogar roof have really taken a toll on us. Some of the leaders were falling asleep during the songs at VBS time. We lost Alexis one time in the snack room as she passed out while her group was eating. We are getting tired. Please pray that the Lord would sustain us. It seems like every leaders favorite room is the Mariposa room (butterfly room) because its cool, dark and Victor is presenting the gospel so we just have to make sure our kids listen and sit back and relax. I think it is the most looked forward to room of the rotation.

We are really starting to build some cool relationships with the children who come. Although I think everyday I feel more and more like a toddler. These children rattle off Spanish at me and wait for me to understand or respond and I look at them like a frozen robot who needs a reboot. Some leaders just talk back in English, Jocelyne speaks French to them and they understand more of that then they do English. There are more root words that are the same. It is always amazing watching the Children dance and sing praises to Jesus and when they all bow their heads and pray at the end of the lesson in the Mariposa room. The only problem with getting your groove on when your singing is that I could feel the rivers of sweat running down my back and chest. As I talked with everyone after VBS I was far from the only one experiencing the rivers of the deep bursting forth through my skin into this world.

Lastly we went and had dinner with the families. It was a great experience and everyone felt blessed. However Taya and Kendra had the truest authentic taste of Mexican Culture. They went to a church member’s house named Tabere he is a Vet. He received the girls and asked them if they like Chinese food because it seems like all Canadians like Chinese food. Taya and Kendra said yes and Tabere walks into his kitchen and brings in the classic Chinese take-out boxes. They enjoyed their meal and then were offered ice cream. Of course they said yes because you do not say no to ice cream in Mexico even if you hate the flavour because its cold and nothing else in Sonora is. Tabare say s ok lets get dairy queen. So Taya and Kendra had a great Mexican experience eating Chinese food and having take out from Dairy Queen. 

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